I do not think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature. (John D. Rockefeller)

Whatever it is, it is.

Life is a journey, filled with happiness and uncertainty. Filled with laughter and tears, and wonderful memories. Memories that give you the strength to fight another day. Remember those moments to carry with you always. You are a wonderful person, an inspiration to all. with a steely determination to overcome life's obstacle. Though there may be times when you are feeling low. Laugh like you have never laughed before. Dance like there is no one there, let the music carry you. Let comforting hands support you, hold and embrace you. You are not alone, take comfort in the love that surrounds you. It is this love that will guide you through. Think positive, have faith, hold your head high, keep smiling. Life is a journey of many winding roads. A journey that is forever changing

A Poem for Jenna

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